Spaced Out Sounds
Spaced Out Sounds is a netlabel currently dedicated to publishing the music of two bands, circle of willis and Drunken Gunmen, as well as the ambient and electronic music of solo artist Gek Snikkel, and German synthlords Fractal Parsecs. Click on the Audio & Video menu item to sample their music.
New Releases...
We are progressively uploading all our old and new material to Spotify, Apple Music and other major streaming services. Our music will also be available for use with your videos on Instagram and TikTok. Spotify links below
circle of willis - all albums now streaming
Drunken Gunmen - all albums available including Celestial Orb
Gek Snikkel - Drones from my Father
We are also proud to announce the first official releases of forgotten German synthlords of the 70s and 80s, Fractal Parsecs. Their EP Sylvan Fields is now streaming.